Thursday 24 October 2013

London Non-Surgical Nose Job Gone Wrong - The Truth Revealed

Non-Surgical Nose Job

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty is a proof of the brilliance of non-surgical cosmetic treatments as it can do in minutes what traditionally was done in hours along with some week of downtime. It is 100 times less risky than its surgical alternative yet you won’t face difficulty finding all the mishap stories about this treatment. Scrolling through the pages found from Google UK on non-surgical nose job gone wrong, I wonder how can a person wanting to have a nose reshaping treatment can go for taking such a big risk. So I do a little research on these mishap stories of non-surgical Rhinoplasty and here I am sharing the results I found.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

10 Simple Tips for Natural Skin Care

natural skincare
London is passing through the season of change. The long temperate days of summer have ended and soon the cool breezes, rains, and snowfalls will strike the city. Are you prepared for that? Have you checked your wardrobe for warm clothes and stored coffee and soda in your kitchen cabinets? Is your skin ready for the season, too? Yes, it’s true. For protecting your skin from getting dehydrated and dried, you must start some simple skincare remedies few weeks before the dry wind crash into your face and make it arid. Here, I am listing 10 simple and natural skin care tips for you that won’t involve much money or effort. All you need is some time for your skin care: